Head of Micro Banking, Senior Officer Level & Officer

Job Expired

Job Description

Siddhartha Bank Limited is a constantly growing Class “A” Commercial Bank offering a wide range of innovative banking products, solutions and services. The Bank believes in development of strong human capital base and accordingly provides a highly professional working environment and growth opportunities for its employees to excel and succeed in their respective areas. In its vision to cater financial needs of deprived sector, the Bank has established a full-fledged Micro Banking Department for which the Bank is seeking for highly enthusiastic, result oriented and skilled Nepalese citizens with strong desire to excel and accomplish aggressive business targets for its Micro Finance Department for the following positions:

Head of Micro Banking – Managerial Level (No. 1)

  • Experience: Minimum 8 years of experience in Bank and Financial Institution with at least 4 years at Officer level; preference shall be given to those candidates who have prior experience in Microfinance Institution/Financial Intermediary Non-Governmental Organization (FINGO).
  • Academic Qualification : Minimum second division in Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration/ Economics/Agriculture/Science/Rural Development/ /Sociology from a recognized university.
  • Age: Not exceeding 45 years as on application deadline.
  • Candidates should have sound knowledge of Deprived Sector Lending (Whole Sale and Direct Lending) and related NRB guidelines.

Senior Officer Level- (No. 1)

  • Experience : Minimum 6 years of experience in Bank and Financial Institution with at least 2 years at Officer Level, preference shall be given to those candidates who have prior experience in Microfinance Institution/FINGO.
  • Academic Qualification: Minimum second division in Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration/ Economics/Agriculture/Science/ Rural Development/Sociology from recognized university
  • Age : Not exceeding 40 years as on application deadline.
  • Candidates should have sound knowledge of Deprived Sector Lending (Whole Sale and Direct Lending) and related NRB guidelines.

Officer Level – (No. 2)

Experience : Minimum 5 years of experience in Bank and Financial Institution/Micro Finance Institution/FINGO with at least 2 years in Micro Lending.

Academic Qualification: Minimum second division in Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration/ Economics/Agriculture/Science/ Rural Development/Sociology from recognized university

Age : Not exceeding 35 years as on application deadline.

Candidates should have sound knowledge of Deprived Sector Lending (Whole Sale and Direct Lending) and related NRB guidelines.

Assistant Level (Outside Kathmandu Valley) – (NO. 25)

  • Academic Qualification : Minimum Bachelor’s level in Business Administration/Economics/Agriculture/Rural Development/Sociology/Science. However, candidates having at least 2 years of experience in Micro Finance Sector with minimum second division in PCL/plus 2 may also apply.
  • Age: Not exceeding 30 years as on application deadline for experienced candidates and 26 years for fresh candidates.
  • Candidates applying for Assistant level are expected to be willing to go to rural/remote areas as per the need of the Bank.
  • Preference shall be given to candidates of local area. Candidates are advised to clearly mention preferred location while applying for the job.

How To Apply

To apply: Please apply either by courier/post/hand delivery or online within 1700 hrs, January 10, 2017.

To send application by hand delivery/courier or by post : Candidates may also opt to submit application and necessary documents in person to Human Resource Department, Hattisar, Kathmandu or thru courier/ post to Human Resource Department, Siddhartha Bank Limited, P.O. Box No. 13806 , Hattisar, Kathmandu.

To apply online: Please visit the following link www.siddharthabank.com /career and click on ‘Career in Micro Banking’.

Documents to be submitted

  • Job Application
  • Latest CV with at least two references
  • Recent passport size photo
  • Copy of last academic degree

Only those candidates getting through the initial screening will be contacted for further selection process. The Bank reserves the right to reject any/all applications without assigning any reason whatsoever. No telephone enquiries will be entertained. Canvassing at any stage of the processes shall lead to disqualification of the candidate for this vacancy and any future recruitment process.

Head Office: Hattisar, Kathmandu,


Phone: 01-4442919/4442920

Fax: 01-4442921

Email: sbl@siddarthabank.com

  • This job has expired!
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