Job Description
In Nepal, UN Women is currently implementing its 2014-17 Strategic Note and Annual Work Plan (country programme) which incorporates several thematic areas, including economic empowerment, governance and leadership, ending violence against women and girls, and peace and security and humanitarian action. Across all of its work, UN Women applies its nonnative and coordination mandates, and works through strategic partnerships and on generating knowledge and evidence. UN Women Nepal is seeking applications from qualified Nepalese citizens with commitment for women and 11. h drive or results or below mentioned assignments.
National Consultants/ Researchers (2 positions) to carry out a desk review of existing researches conducted in the agriculture sector for last 10 years (2005-2016) to stock take the existing information and knowledge based on
(1) women’s role in decision making in the farm operations and
(2) drudgery reduction for women in the agriculture sector
Duration of assignment September – November 2016
How to apply
For detail, please visit the link https/ kid=68296
Application deadline: 6 September 2016
Application must be supported with UN Women Personal History Form- 1311 which can be downloaded from UN Women website and samples of research/desk review reports conducted by the applicant.
All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.