Research Advisor and Lecturer Wanted

Pokhara Engineering College, a leading institution of Gandaki Province, invites applications.

from the interested and qualified candidates for the following posts.

Research advisor-1

Academic qualification and experience:

PH.D in civil engineering/IT/Computer engineering

Substantial Teaching and research work experience.

Lecturer( architecture Department)-3(full time/part time)

Academic Qualification and Experience.


teaching Experience will be an added advantage.

Lecturer (civil department)-few (part -time)

Academic Qualification and Experience:

Ph.D./Masters in Transportation/Water resource Engineering

Teaching experience is a must.

Lecturer (IT Department)-Few (full-time)

Academic Qualification and Experience:

Ph.D./Master’s in IT/Computer/Software Engineering(preferred).BEIT

Teaching experience is a must.

Remuneration and other facilities will be as per the institution’s norms.

Interested candidates having above qualification are requested to apply with C.V by email not later than

22sep 2023 referring to the principal.

Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

pokhara Engineering College (PEC)

phirke, Pokhara-8, Kaski. Tel:061-581209/578530

Only candidates can apply for this job.
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