A reputed ANSAR GALLERY (Super market )of Qatar is seeking for the employee for the post of “ Salesman and Cashier”. If you are interested to for the job position then you can check below job details.Details
LT Number: 176100
Country: Qatar
Company name: ANSAR GALLERY
Approved Date: 2074/08/11
License Number:116/055/056
Skill: Salesman. Men -73. Salary- Nrs 36880
:Cashier. Men -25. Salary- Nrs 36880
Qualification: Skills in related field.
Fooding: Yes.
Accommodation: Yes.
Labour per hour: 8 hour.
Labour per week: 6 days.
Over time service: As per company rules and regulation.
Annual holidays : As per company rules and regulation.
Contract: 2 years
How to Apply:
Recruiting Manpower Name: Pasa International Pvt ltd
Address: Kupondol (lalitpur) Kathmandu, Nepal.
Phone Number:+977 -1-5554499, 5539331, 9802070622,9802070623,9802070603
Out of Valley: Butwal: 9802678901, Chitwan: 9807144970, Jhapa: 9801445553
Pre Interview: 5th December, 2017
Final Interview: 11th December, 2017, Monday.