Nepal Telecom Offer

WiMAX Data Package New Pricing (NTC)

Nepal Telecom has revised its WiMAX Plans and pricing. You can use WiMAX Data Package anywhere in Nepal. Now, WiMAX is available all over Nepal in 75 districts. Please check below plan and pricing for WiMAX from Nepal Telecom (NTC). WiMAX Bundled Packages With ODU and IDU Package Validity Volume Package Price (Rs) ODU (Rs) IDU (Rs) 1 Month 10

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Do my Cellphone Support 4G/LTE?

Recently Nepal Telecom (NTC) announced 4G/LTE service in Nepal. But only few mobile /cellphone Support 4G/LTE. According to the official the testing version of 4G has launched and very soon it will be available everywhere and on all brands. NTC 4G service wont be available on iPhone Series 6 and 6s and it will also be not available on few

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Nepal Telecom Dashain Tihar Offer

Nepal Telecom (NTC) has been providing various kinds of offer in Festive season (Dashain, Tihar & Chaat). In this festive season with many offers, its user will also get different discounted offer with bonus. Please check below details about the festive offer being offered by Nepal Telecom this season. Type ʻData100MBʼ or ʻData250MBʼ & Send to 1415 for Prepaid &

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