Job Description
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is seeking consultancy services from the Nepalese nationals under the project “Reducing vulnerability and increasing adaptive capacity to respond to impacts of climate change and variability for sustainable livelihoods in agriculture sector in Nepal” (GCP/NEP/070/LDF) for the following posts:
1. Climate Data Analysis and Climate Information Systems Expert/Agro-meteorologist (national consultant) – one (7 months, over 10 months)
Work station: Kathmandu with frequent visits to project districts
Quantification/experience: Masters degree in agro-meteorology or meteorological sciences with experiences in agro-meteorology, and with five years experiences in database management and setting up of the climate information systems in agriculture.
2. Crop Monitoring and Yield Forecasting Expert/Aro-meteorologist (national consultant) – one (7 months, over 10 months) Work station: Kathmandu with frequent visits to project districts
Qualification/experience: Masters degree in Meteorology, preferably agro-meteorology with five vears experiences in database management and data archiving, crop monitoring and yield forecasting.
3. Livelihood Development and Gender Expert (national consultant) – one (18 months, over 2lmonths) Work station: Kathmandu with frequent visits to project districts
Qualification/experience: Masters degree in agricultural sciences or gender with five years’ working experience in agricultural livelihood development with gender related aspects in climate change context.
The above is the only an indication of the required qualification and experience, and the complete ToRs are available at UN Reception. UN House, Pulchowk, Lalitpur from 16 June 2017 to 26 June 2017 from 10.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs Monday to Friday or can be downloaded from
How To Apply
Interested qualified persons should forward their application along with an updated CV in electronic format to not later than 26 June 2017 at 17.00 hrs. The subject box in the email should indicate the post applied for. Women and people from minority groups are especially encouraged to apply. Only short- listed candidates will be contacted. No telephone enquiry will be entertained.